SEU Partner Meeting Delft - 1-2 October 2020 ONLINE
The fourth SEU Partner meeting was hosted virtually by THUAS Delft on 1st and 2nd October 2020. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting had to be held online.
During the first day of the meeting the focus was once again on the development of Pilot Projects in each partner institution. Each partner prepared a presentation of their progress and plans for their Pilot Projects and relative evaluation. At the end, the University of Exeter lead the discussion on IO3 - Pilot Project Synthesis Report and Evaluation.
The second day of meeting was dedicated to the development of the IO4 - Toolkit, managed by THUAS Delft. The partners then discussed about the forthcoming events to be planned, namely the SEU Final International Conference, which is planned to take place in Parma, and the dissemination events in every partner country. Every update regarding this issue will depend on the evolution of Covid-19 pandemic.
The meeting ended with a final discussion on SEU project Final Evaluation, lead by the University of Exeter (project coordinator).
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